UX Talk 2018: Celebrating Interaction Design in Belo Horizonte

The UX Talk, launched in 2016, is held annually to celebrate IxDA’s presence in Belo Horizonte and reinforce our role in fostering local discussions on interaction design. This much-anticipated event brings top professionals from across Brazil to BH to discuss the latest trends and critical topics in the design world. With a mix of talks, workshops, and networking opportunities, UX Talk allows participants to stay current and expand their professional connections.

Purpose and Organization

The event is hosted by IxDA-BH, a non-profit community dedicated to promoting discussions around interaction design, bringing together designers, communication professionals, entrepreneurs, startups, and the tech industry. IxDA-BH’s mission is to connect and empower professionals through the exchange of experiences and practices that shape the market and drive continuous learning.

My Contribution

As a volunteer, I had the chance to work on the Communication and Logistics teams, playing a key role in creating a positive experience for participants. My involvement ranged from ticket sales to event day organization, including responsibilities like registration, managing talks and workshops, coordinating coffee breaks, and wrapping up with a closing happy hour. Each detail was designed to ensure an engaging and welcoming environment.

This was a rewarding experience, allowing me to contribute directly to the event’s quality and attendee satisfaction.

Event website: https://web.archive.org/web/20181230201143/http://belohorizonte.ixda.org.br/uxtalk18/